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Honey Bee Removal

"For those individuals environmentally conscience of the honey bee...we are the LIVE HONEY BEE REMOVAL alternative to exterminating!"

It feels great to know you are actually saving the honey bees...

The Bee Removal Process


Thanks for considering No Bee Left Behind, LLC for your honey bee removal matters.  Information about how we remove honey bees from your structure can be found below.   
After we have identified an entry point and used thermal images to best assess the true location of the colony, we will agree upon a strategy that best fits your needs.  With this being said, please keep in mind that we do not perform honey bee removals from the inside of structures, perhaps with the exception of a barn/shed.  We complete honey bee removals at dusk and sometimes we have to stay longer and work while it is dark outside.  We purposefully synchronize every bee removal to be completed this way.  Honey bees forage during the day, and return to their hive by nightfall.  Our objective is to leave "No Bee Left Behind!" 
Most infestations of honey bees can be removed within two evenings.  If there is a really small colony or a colony just starting out, the bees may be completely removed in one evening.  However, during the height of the summer as the honey bees in our area begin to really draw nectar from the abundance of flowers/vegetation, honey bee colony’s can grow enormous in size and the removal process can last 3 evenings (and in worse case scenarios even longer).   
We find it best to allow a period of at least one day to elapse, from the time we remove the majority of the honey until the area it is closed up.  Doing this allows the honey bees to clean up any spilt honey reserves.  In late August through September, an unusual event beekeepers have termed “robbing” can occur due to the lack of flowers.  Nosey bees from a separate hive (somewhere in the vicinity) take advantage of the hive we have opened, and the bees begin to decimate the colony and fight the residing bees over their exposed honey.  Robbing is a very noticeable event, and once its starts it does not finish until nightfall or all the honey is dried up.  Robbing also occurs the following day after we have removed the majority of honey bees and honey comb from the hive.  It is our recommendation to not go near the site during this time period.  For worse case scenarios, we may recommend allowing an additional day of robbing to help with the cleanup process. 

Keeping Bees Out

Please turn off any lights near the area, including windows/rooms near the hive (EX: Porch Lights, Flood Lights, Etc…).  Honey bees orientate to the sun and will endlessly fly towards your artificially provided light source once it is dark outside.  If you have honey bees on and around your porch lights, you have a close hive.  Please lock up any dogs and turn off any automatic sprinkler systems.  We will need access to an electrical outlet and a water hose/faucet to clean up.  We have a generator if power is unavailable.   


We offer a six month warranty or one until the end of the year which ever is first, when No Bee Left Behind, LLC completes the repairs.  The structure is bee proofed when we do the repairs and you can feel comfortable knowing the bees will not return.  
All of the bees removed are placed into a new Langstroth beehive, along with their eggs/brood and re-located.  Please check out our apiaries other customers have helped us create located in Cypress, Pattison, and Shiner, Texas.  You can stay up to date with our beekeeping enterprise on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter by searching "No Bee Left Behind".  Please find us on Facebook to see photos of previous jobs.   We have over 6 years experience removing bees!
-Caring Keeper of Bees, Jake Lavine  


Please forward any pictures, questions and comments to:


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